English course 英語學習,零基礎輕鬆學英語→_→今日話題「8大新年禮物(雙語)」


CommPro-English course hongkong】會討論日常生活中你們最感興趣的話題帶領大家進入英語的境界,從中循循漸進培養大家對英語學習的熱情。此種方法屢試不爽,連零基礎的學員們都可以輕鬆搞掂英語!


The holidays are upon us. Chances are you’ve been running around purchasing gifts for all of the important people in your life. But I don’t want you to forget to treat yourself this holiday season.

Between social events, familial obligations and annual traditions, the holidays can be very draining. When 2015 rolls around, you will want to feel refreshed and like you’re ready to hit the ground running. So it’s important that you carve out time for yourself in between your commitments. Mind you, these aren’t gifts you have to purchase — so you have no excuses not to try to enjoy them.

1. A strong body

Don’t forget to exercise this holiday season. Between indulgent meals, delicious baked goods and alcohol, this is a tough time of year on your body. But having a strong body will lead you to having a strong mind. So whether you find a family member to work out with or not, get moving.

2. A well-rested mind

Make an effort to sleep well. We all know what that means — shut down your illuminated screens early, leave your phone in another room, go to bed early, etc. Do you what you need to do so that you feel rejuvenated.

3. A roadmap

Take this time to do a little planning. What are your goals for 2015? How are you going to accomplish them? You’ll feel more and more excited about getting back to work when you have something to look forward to.

4. Some perspective

Pick up a new book. Pick up a magazine you’ve never read before. Consider reading an article about a topic you know nothing about. This is a great time to relax your mind and boost your creativity by focusing on learning something new.

5. A dance party

Is there a better way to let loose and express yourself than dancing? I don’t think so. Put on your favorite radio channel or Spotify playlist and get grooving.

6. Unscheduled time

Plans give us something to look forward. But to really unwind, you need carve out time in your schedule and schedule absolutely nothing at all. Get in touch with how you’re feeling in that moment and do whatever feels right.

7. A pat on the back

Reflect back on all of the things you have done this year to help others.

8. A moment

Stop moving so fast for a second! Sit still. Whatever it takes for you to appreciate the little details of life.

This holiday season I’ll be focusing on staying engaged with my family — and trying to follow this advice as closely as possible!



1. 強健的體魄


2. 放鬆的大腦


3. 制訂路線圖


4. 打開新思路


5. 跳支舞


6. 留白的時間表


7. 自我表揚


8. 此時,此刻




為何選擇 CommuPro?
高效能教學 – 為提升學習效率, CommuPro自設教程、採用有效的策略,讓學生同時使用意識和潛意識學習,令學員在最短時間內輕鬆學會外語。
小班教學 – 每班2至5人,讓每位學生得到最適切的照顧,藉此確保教學質素。
靈活多變 – 本中心提供為個別學員/組別度身設計的課程和教材,以滿足不同的需要。

我们的English course hong kong
Learn English fast with our English coursesGeneral English (Ongoing course)

General English improves the English of students in an all-round manner. All the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are covered. If you are looking to improve your general English, this is the right course for you. There are different levels available and a free placement test will be given to new joiners to see which level is most suitable for them.
Class size: 2 – 5 students (max. 7 students)

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更多課程:Japanese course hong kong, French lessons hong kong, Spanish course hk

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Website: http://www.commupro.com
More course: French lessons hong kong,Spanish course hk,Japanese course hong kong
Phone: (+852) 37582839
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