西班牙語 十二生肖

Spanish course hk - 十二生肖

 Los Signos del Horóscopo Chino 

Rata 鼠

Buey 牛

Tigre 虎

Conejo 兔

Dragón 龍
Serpiente 蛇

Caballo 馬

Cabra 羊

Mono 猴

Gallo 雞

Perro 狗

Cerdo 豬

¡Feliz año de la cabra!

Spanish course hk

更多關於Spanish course hk 盡在【CommuPro Company Limited.】,敬請關注!

About 【Spanish course hk】Ongoing Courses
These courses are ongoing and students can join the class anytime they want.
The class size is limited to 2 – 5 students and payments are made every 4 lessons.

Our Spanish Courses Including: Beginners’ Spanish A1/ Instant Spanish A1/ Compact Spanish A2/ Profound Spanish B1/ Immense Spanish B2/ Critical Spanish C1/ Conversational Spanish (Ongoing course)...

Spanish for Traveling:The Spanish for Traveling courses are coNtext-based language courses where you will learn essential phrases and practice dialogues. Grammar is minimal in these courses. Students who have successfully completed Spanish for Traveling can be promoted to our Spanish A1.2 or Spanish A1.3 course with reference to their performance in the assessments.

歡迎大家進入神奇的「西班牙文」的世界,這裡的【Spanish course hk】將會讓你受益匪淺,錯過就遺憾終生喇!

Courses for Kids:Spanish for Kids on Tuesdays/Thursdays 17:00 – 18:40

Courses for Adults:
(suitable for people aged 15 or above)

為何選擇 CommuPro
高效能教學 – 為提升學習效率, CommuPro自設教程、採用有效的策略,讓學生同時使用意識和潛意識學習,令學員在最短時間內輕鬆學會外語。
小班教學 – 每班2至5人,讓每位學生得到最適切的照顧,藉此確保教學質素。
靈活多變 – 本中心提供為個別學員/組別度身設計的課程和教材,以滿足不同的需要。

電郵:[email protected]
電話:(+852) 37582839
位址:尖沙咀山林道7號漢國佐敦中心13樓1303室(港鐵佐敦站 D 出口)
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